Apparently, I've been neglecting our blog. Two weeks and no post. Yikes. I did try to upload a video a couple times in the last two weeks, but blogspot wasn't working with me. So, what have I been up to? Like the title says, a little of this and a little of that.
I volunteered with one of the spouse groups at a base flea market as a fundraiser. It was crazy how pushy the customers were and I was amazed that people were literally running into the parking lot when the gates opened. My favorite part of the day was this little, local girl. I absolutely love her outfit. If I were ever to have a baby, I'd want it to be an Asian baby so I guess I'm off the hook.
Last weekend I also got to do another trail run. This time it was just me and Anna because the other ladies ran when I was at the flea market. Anna is very good at slowing down without making me feel slow because believe me that girl is speedy! Once again, the trail run was the highlight of my week. I didn't take the camera this time because it seemed like it might rain (turns out it was hazy from a sand storm that blew in from China), but I did take a few shots after the run:
Why, yes, if you look close there are bugs stuck to my forehead and visor. We are so fast bugs can't even get out of the way in time!
During the run I was flying down this downhill section. I really did feel like an impala just bounding along. About that time I put my foot down on a tuft of grass with nothing underneath it and started a sliding fall. I somehow caught myself and continued with only missing a beat or two. Even the fall was awesome.
It rained the night before so there was a little mud, but it was a great route. About a mile on the road there and back and a 3.25 mile loop.
I know some folks think I'm crazy, but there is nothing more fun than getting sweaty and muddy on a run (except maybe running through the snow on the Thetford Forest trails with Mandy). WOOT (Women On Okinawa Trails) is opening this weekend up for a friends and family day this weekend. It should be blast!
I also spent some time trying my hand at a new bread recipe. This was a butternut squash bread braid. I had made butternut squash soup the week before for Meatless Monday (sorry no pics) and reserved some of the squash to make this bread. I got the recipe from I had to add some extra flour to keep it from sticking, but otherwise followed the recipe directly.
This was my first time making a bread braid.
But it was pretty easy.
The results were gorgeous - a wonderful, golden orange color. It raised beautifully and the texture was fantastic. Plus, it was delicious! My English students loved it and I had to send them home with leftovers so I wouldn't nibble on the whole loaf. It would look great on your Easter table if anyone is looking for a bread dish.
The other thing keeping me busy is that I created a new blog for my work. It's just getting started, but feel free to take a look:
Tomorrow I'm trail running and taking kids from work kayaking. It should be a good day! Have a great weekend!
Haha! I loved these two lines:
1. If I were ever to have a baby, I'd want it to be an Asian baby so I guess I'm off the hook.
2. Even the fall was awesome.
It sounds like you are rocking out the trail runs...really getting in touch with your "wild" side?! LOL! That bread looks awesome. I love making homemade bread and your braid was so pretty.
adventures in tri-ing
I would love to join you on the trail runs bugs, sweat, dirt and all. How is that swimming going!!! I could almost taste that bread. I got an extra butternut squash yesterday in preparation. Yum. May not look as pretty as yours.
you can always adopt an Asian baby...
Amy--love your blog and reading your words and your voice. I never noticed the bugs til now. Are bugs considered meat?
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