Sunday, March 29, 2009
The Deid
Friday, March 27, 2009
It's not the kids, it's the parents
I had called his home and left a message that he had been warned earlier in the week for not signing out (I know it sounds trivial, but we have to know who's in the building in case there's an evacuation) and that he received his second warning today for shoving another kid. Well, the mom arrives and wants to know why her son has a 1 day suspension. So, I explain it all and she says, "Well, maybe I should put it on record that he has ADHD."
Me: "OK, I just started here, but let me call Jessica over and see what we do." Jessica comes over.
Mom: "I just want to make sure that someone notes that he has ADHD and he doesn't take medication for it when he's out of school."
Jessica: "Alrighty, we can make a note of that, but we have these expectations of behavior (points to clearly visible list of rules posted at the front entrance) that all of the kids have to follow."
Mom: "But he has ADHD. Do you know what that means?"
Jessica: "Yes, my sister has it, but all kids are still expected to follow these rules while they are at the youth center or they have to deal with the consequences."
Mom: "But he doesn't have a brain like me and you. He doesn't know what he's doing."
Jessica: "I understand and I'm sorry, but he has to follow the same rules as all the other kids."
Mom leaves angry.
I thought Jessica handled it really well. The more I thought about it the more mad I got. Her son has ADHD severe enough that he's on medication while at school, but 1. she doesn't tell us about it and 2. he's not medicated while he's with us. This kid is with us 4 hours/day 5 days a week. I really don't understand how she can expect us to change the rules just for her child. Did she ever think that maybe if he can't understand the rules and know how to handle himself in social situations that she shouldn't drop him off there unattended every day?!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Working full time would suck...
Monday, March 16, 2009
I heart Okinawa!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Working 9 to 5
Ok, not really. It's only 2-6, but hey! It's something! So, Monday I started working at the Youth Center on base. I know this sounds bad (like maybe I started with the wrong attitude), but I like it more than I thought. I went in not really knowing what to expect, but by the end of the week I found that I like my co-workers and the kids are actually pretty good. I thought 9-12 year olds might be a little rougher, but besides "crap" I haven't heard any profanity which I was pretty relieved about since my 8 year old nephew recently asked my sister, Monica, "Mom, what is f***?" Apparently he learned it from the coach's kid on his Christian basketball team. You gotta watch out for these church-goers! Anyway, back to the subject of the job. It's a little more babysitting than I thought, but in the next few weeks I'll be taking over some programs and getting to create and present lessons. I think I'll be doing Art, an Environmental Education club, and a monthly program for home-schoolers. At the Youth Center there's a huge rec room with foosball, ping pong, pool, video games, a craft corner
, and rooms for homework
and different club meetings
. I'll keep you posted, but so far so good!
First, you get to sit in these super comfy recliners and they bring you tea and this massive book of styles you can choose from. This place is not just for the simple paint job. The Japanese people are real artists and they can hand paint almost anything you want on your toes. You get the normal pedicure treatment - soaking, moisturizing, filing (yuck!), scraping, grating, etc., but you also get an extended foot and leg massage. It is so relaxing!
Well, before going in and seeing all my options I was convinced that I was going to get my nails painted black and have little crosses put on them, but then I fell in love with the koi and dragonflies! They are so cute! Plus, being the true fan, I went with Gator colors. Slightly tacky, I know, but I wanted the fish to be orange so blue just seemed to be the logical choice.
Here are some pictures of before and after as well as a picture of me with my still-kind-of new haircut. Bangs! Crazy, I know. And yes in the before picture that polish is left over from the squadron Christmas party that took place mid-December.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Good News!
Yes, I know I'm a big dork who can't dance, but most of the people who read this blog already know that! For those who don't, I hope I'm still invited to Ladies' Night! :) I am sorry for the armpit shot at the end though. Anyway, I start Monday! Woohoo!
It's what's for dinner...
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Lunch, lunch, lunch
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Monday, March 2, 2009
The Results Are In...
In other news, Saturday I went to Charity's house for her birthday bash. It was so much fun. The only thing that would have made it better was if Chris had been around to be my designated driver! There were a few ladies from the Lunch Ladies group and I also got to meet new people. It was nice not being with people from Chris' squadron because there wasn't as much shop talk. Actually, I think everyone there were Marines. Hoo-rah!
This picture (courtesy of Charity) has Jess, Cooper (the cutest boxer puppy ever), me, Charity, and Heather. Hope everyone had as fun of a weekend as I did and talk to y'all soon.