Thursday, April 2, 2009

It's the final countdown...maybe

In theory Chris is coming home Sunday night. I know every non-military person who reads the next part is going to be slightly disgusted with me while every military spouse is going to be thinking "I hear you sister".
When you get the news that your long, lost hubby is coming home you go through a rush of emotions. The first, and most powerful, is "Woohoo! I get to see my honey! YEAH!" For me this was followed shortly after by "Oh, thank god! Someone else can walk that spotty, naughty dog". And then "Oh crap. I better get to the grocery store. I'm going to have to cook real meals for dinner - raisin bran isn't going to cut it." Alrighty, so it's out there. Judge me as you must. I'll keep you posted on when Chris actually gets home.


Leslie said...

Excellent to hear hubby is on the way home (maybe). Just remmeber not to buy anything perishable we know how those "promised dates" can slip : )

Unknown said...

That is such good news. I hope it really happens. Get that grill in a prominent position.

Liza said...

Haha. I'm sure he'll EXPECT real home cooked food after being away for so long! Maybe after a month, you can ease in the Raisin Bran for dinner!

Unknown said...

You could just get the ingredients for the famous 'pasta goodness'. Doesn't he do all the cooking anyway? Give him a big hug from me and I'm so glad he is coming home.

Kristina Muzzey said...

Not sure why I should be disgusted (being non-military) but I'm glad that Chris might be coming home soon. BTW - if you could see some of the stuff that my hubby eats when I'm gone, you wouldn't feel even the slightest twinge of guilt. ;-)