So, there's no clever title because this week was a hodge podge and instead of doing multiple blogs I'm just going to shove everything together. Here goes! The start of the week was just work and working out, but I had Thursday off and it was nice and relaxing. Rana and I went to the beach with our friend Patti. Patti is a foster mom for the local rescue (OAARS - where we got Rana) so she often provides playmates for Rana. She doesn't currently have any foster dogs, but she was willing to play with us just the same. Plus, back in the states she trained dogs for the blind so she's very helpful at getting Rana to behave, but with as stubborn as Rana is I might have to hire Patti full time. Here are some pictures of our beach adventure:
Oh yeah, when Rana got a raincoat she also got a backpack. I know, you guys are thinking I'm crazy, but the Dog Whisperer says that for dogs with a lot of energy if you give them a backpack they'll focus on their job of walking.
Patti, Rana, and their big stick!
Patti and the Amazing Digging Rana!
What a mess!
My little pet pig, Rana!
Friday, Rana got to go to the beach again. This time it was with her new friends Mally and Jetta. These dogs make Rana look pretty small. Mally is a little dominant and Jetta is very shy, but they're all getting better about playing together. Their owner is Bridgette, a civilian that works on Kadena. Here's a play date pic:
Jetta is on the left, Mally is on the right.
Today I had my Weekend Warrior training. It was another good one. I wasn't able to go quite as low in the squats or lunges as usual because earlier in the week I blew out my quads, but the rest was great. It was another circuit set up, but this time it was on the beach. Luckily, the sand was pretty packed, but it still made for some nice resistance. My favorite part of the workouts is when we have to sprint to a cone. As we're running, if Jeff calls out your name you better haul it because if he tags you you owe him 10 burpees. During the last sprint of the day I thought I was giving it my all when I heard my name called. I definitely turned it up a notch. As I turned on the afterburners, I heard Jeff say "you always have more to give than you think." I liked that and I'm going to try to remember that during future workouts when I think I'm pooped.
A cool pirate ship play ground at Araha Beach.
Funny signs at the beach. Apparently you need to watch out for waves and jellyfish!
Part of the workout equipment!
After the workout - sweaty and sandy! Perfect!