So, I originally took the shot below last Monday when I went to lunch at N's Garden with my friend Patti. It was intended to lure my friend MaryBrown into visiting with memories of her heavenly Parisian chocolate croissants.

And it worked! Before I even had a chance to post the picture, Mary emailed me that she is coming for a visit next week! Woohoo! I've been excited for days now.
The blossoms come in so many shades of pink.
Chris and I had an incredible Saturday when we headed back to the New Year's Day beach for a little R and R. We packed a lunch, loaded up a dog, and headed north. At some points the day got a little cloudy, but it was a great day to be out.
Plus, we decided it was time to try out Rana's backpack. We were shocked - she loved it!
And Rana running around like it's nothing (I love this picture):
Since it was the first time we didn't put too much weight in it, but we did add weight in the form of sea glass and shells throughout the hike.
Look at our little explorer:
We tried for a family photo, but boy was it bright!
We saw a man putting his boat in the water when we got there and then didn't see a soul for the four hours we were there. It was incredible. We had been hiking for about an hour when we noticed a hole in the vegetation meeting up with the beach. Nobody was around, but we found a great camp area:
There was this open air kitchen and a raised platform area to sleep on, as well as an outhouse. There was no road as far as we could tell so whoever uses it must have to hike everything in. It was sweet! They had a small garden and some papaya trees:
I'm not a fan of papaya, but the flowers smelled heavenly.
We'd love to camp here sometime, but have no way of getting in touch with whoever runs it. Maybe next time we'll run in to the owner.
The hike included some rock scampering and forging through the water to get around rocks. It was a great adventure. On the way back someone was looking sleepy:
I know it has been a good day when Rana falls asleep in the van before we've driven for 10 minutes.
Sunday morning I went for an 11 mile run in preparation for my Valentine's Day Half. Tiffany and I recently added another runner to our pack, Bri (not pronounced like the cheese, but with a hard I sound).
The run was fun, but very wet. We took a new route that had us near the river/sea wall. Despite the rain it was beautiful. I had planned on taking my camera, but left it in the car because of the rain. Maybe next week there will be pictures. I did get a picture of the 3 of us at Starbucks warming up with a hot beverage after the run.
Still looking good after a long, wet 11!