Friday, May 1, 2009

Lunch with the Ladies

Friday afternoons are my favorite, most anticipated time of the week because I get to lunch with my ladies. Yesterday we went to Jetta. It has a great laid back feel and really good food. They advertise themselves as a burger place, but none of us got the burgers because they were $15! The rest of the menu was much more reasonable. Here's a look at what we got:
Some guac and chips where the customer assembled the guacamole. I still owe Jess a couple hundred yen for this!
A petite salad that was included with my meal.
Taco Rice! A very popular dish here on the island. This was my first try and it was delicious!
Heather and Liza got the shrimp and avocado sandwich.
Most of the table got chocolate cake, while I got...
Also, Heather will be happy to know that we were both right when it comes to video clips. When I use Picassa I can rotate it and watch it right side up, but when I import to blogger it comes in sideways!

Oops! Now I know!


Charity said...

I love Friday lunches, too! Hope you can come to the dragon boat race. :-) Until next time...

Jessica Simmons said...

I'm famous... if you tilt your head to the left!

Next time I am asking the waiter to mash it up, no WORKING during Friday lunches!

Heather Hansen said...



Unknown said...

I like the idea of Friday lunches. I guess I could try to start one up here. It would have to be set to an hour though. Better than nothing!