Finally, I have something to blog about! I've been working so much I haven't had time for anything fun. But today was the day. This morning I met up with a group of ladies (about half of who I run with) and we headed to Forest Adventure. It was awesome!
Forest Adventure is a great ropes course for adults and kids over 140 cm (that's 55 inches for all us 'mericans). After a short safety brief and the guide watching us do the first section, we were on our own to conquer cargo nets, rope ladders, free falls, and zip lines. In situations like this in the past I've had an almost paralyzing fear of heights, but today nothing. Nada. Ok, on the free fall one I knew I couldn't hesitate or I'd never get off the platform, but besides that nothing. I don't know what switch flipped in my brain, but it felt very empowering to be able to do every challenge.
Plus, the big bonus is that all the ladies were awesome. Most of them are teachers together, I know a few from running, and one from that Extreme Fitness Challenge class I took. There were 11 ladies total and everyone was encouraging, fun, and would laugh at you if you deserved it. It was all very comfortable. A couple other ladies are also not overly fond of heights, but with the encouragement (and sometimes ridicule) of the group everyone made it through the entire course.
I was afraid of dropping my camera so I looped it through my bra strap and then tucked it in my bra when it wasn't in use. You know I am nothing if not classy! Here are some pictures and video of the adventure:
It was a gorgeous day in Okinawa. The sun was shining, but it hasn't gotten ridiculously hot yet!
This "play area" was at the end of the course.

A lot of us found the play area more intimidating than the actual zip lines.

The view from the top of one of the platforms.

All the ladies - me, Laura, Margot, Carrie, Megan, Nadine (Lacretia Rachele), Laura S., Tiffany and sitting: Astrid, Leslie, and Susan